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"Goo, Nee, Tay,"- Joh Yowza


Actor: None (Puppet)
Species: Shawda Ubb
Sex: Male
Weapon of Choice: Growdi
Occupation: Musician
Approximate Height: 0 ft. 10 in.
Homeworld: Manpha
On his homeworld, Rapotwanalantonee was known as an adventurer. Eventually, his exploits led him offworld. He traveled the galaxy, making his living as a musician. He joined the Max Rebo Band just before they got a life time job in Jabba the Hutt's palace. Rapotwanalantonee, now with the stage name Rappertunie, was uncomfortable with this arrangment, the desert air on Tatooine dehydrated his skin and as a small creature, he ran the risk of being eaten. Because of this, he rarely left his growdi perch the whole time. When Jabba was killed, the band broke up. It is unknown what happened to Rappertunie.

Appears in: Return of the Jedi, Tales from Jabba's Palace