Domino High: The High Pharoah Tom "Voldemort" Riddle's Yu-Gi-Oh! Fansite
Duel #14: The Man From Egypt (Part Two)


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 He asks who he is and how he got in his soul room. The man explains that he is an unwanted guest who came to discover the power of the Millenium Puzzle. Yu-Gi-Oh asks how he knows of his puzzle. The Egyptian explains that there are many Millenium Items and that he owns two, the Millenium Key, which allows him to enter other people's souls, and the Millenium Scales, which weighs people's personalities. Yu-Gi-Oh says that the true power is in his room, but in order to find it, the man must play a Shadow Game. Yu-Gi-Oh reveals his entire chamber to the man, showing him that it is really a huge maze, in which the man must find the true room. Shadi tries one door and a huge stone column  drops inside the room before he can enter. He realizes that this will be more difficult than he thought, He uses his Millenium Items to figure out whether each room is the true room. He finally finds it and finds Yu-Gi-Oh inside the room, but as he goes towards him, a section of floor crumbles beneath him and he is left dangling by one hand. Yu-Gi-Oh helps him up and says he doesn't like the Egyptian's nasty habit of sneaking into peoples minds. The man says he understands and leaves Yugi's mind. Back in reality, the man is panting and slumped onto the floor. Yugi asks if he's alright and he says yes. He also returns Yugi's puzzle to him. Yugi thanks him, which the man says is unnessisary, since he is already in his debt. Yugi asks what he's done. The man explains that it was his other self that helped him. Yugi starts laughing, not believing him. The man says that Yugi must discover his other self. He tells Yugi that his name is Shadi, and this is the first time he's ever told anyone. He leaves, saying there is one more man he must punish.