Tom "Voldemort" Riddle's Star Wars Site
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OK.  OK.  Star Wars is a highly respected series of books and movies, but what most people don't know is that in 1987, a single comedy movie was made for the Star Wars fans, a hilarous spoof called Spaceballs.  Since I think the only ones who like the spoofs are the fans of the original, I've decided to make this page for the movie Spaceballs.

The movie was directed by comedy genius Mel Brooks and starred many great actors from that era, including the late John CandyBill Pullman, Daphne Zuniga, and Rick Morannis.  In the following pages I'll try to give you a feel for the movie, please note that do to extreme language some of this material may not be sutible for younger Star Wars fans. 

Spaceballs the Movie Script

Spaceballs The Cast Listing

Spaceballs The Comparison List

"How can there be a video casette of Spaceballs the movie, we're still in  the middle of making it."- Dark Helmet