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Bib Fortuna
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"You weak minded fool,"- Jabba The Hutt


Actor: Micheal Carter
Species: Twi'lek
Sex: Male
Weapon of Choice: Poison Dagger
Occupation: Majordomo to Jabba The Hutt
Approximate Height: 5ft. 10in.
Homeworld: Ryloth
Bib Fortuna left his home as a boy and became a trafficker for contraband spice, which made him wealthy. But his actions made his fellow Twi'lek sentence him to death. He barely escaped, but all his assets were frozen. He was then hired by Jabba, and soon became Majordomo. Around the time of the battle of Naboo, he launched production on a hybrid spice call glitteryll, however it was put to a stop by the padawan to Quinlan Vos. After that problem, The Twi'lek was demoted to errand boy, which made him loathe Jabba The Hutt. His began orcastrating a plan to take over Ryloth. This began with a plan to raid several Rylothan cities. After the raids, Jabba gained most of the plunder, and promoted Bib to majordomo again. Fortuna then realized the plan to overthrow Ryloth could not work with Jabba alive. He began working on a plan to assasinate the slug. Leia Organa, however, killed Jabba for him. He narrowly escaped the sail barge explosion, but was then put into a brain pod by the bomar monks. After the Jabba's palace was taken over by another Twi'lek. Fortuna transplanted is brain into the new overlord's body and went back out into the galaxy.

Appears in: Movie Trilogy Sourcebook, Return of the Jedi, Star Wars ongoing comic series, Star Wars Sourcebook, Tales from Jabba's Palace, The Phantom Menace, X-Wing: Rogue Squadron