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Ysanne Isard
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"Rebels spies died to bring us this information,"- Mon Mothma


Species: Human
Sex: Female
Weapon of Choice: Blaster Pistol
Occupation: Imperial Intelligence
Height: 5ft. 10in.
Homeworld: Unknown
Ysanne's father, Armand, became director of Rebublic Intelligence in the the beginning of Chancellor Palpatine's term. When The Empire came to power, he was shifted to Imperial Intelligence. Armand then began training he daughter as an Imperial field agent. Just before the battle of Yavin, rebel spies siezed a databack with the plans to the Death Star on it. Armand dispatched his daughter on the scene. She manipulated Hal Horn into helping her, but failed to get the datapack. Her father informed her that her failure would not be punished by execution. Rather than forgiveness, she accused him of treason and had him executed. Ysanne herself became Director of Imperial Intelligence, and used the position to show the Emporor that her department was the most important. The Emperor was so impressed by her efforts that he took her suggestion and built an internment center and brainwashing facility. He also gave her an Imperial Star Destroyer, which she christianed Lusanka. When the Emperor died, she teamed up with Sate Pestage. On a mission for Pestage, she found The Emperor's secret cloning facility. She stole one of the spaarti cloning cylinders and secretly grew a clone of herself. Ysanne eventually expelled Sate and took his place in the Empire. With her new position, she got into a huge mix of jams for the next few years, until being killed by a New Republic Intelligence Agent.

Appears In: The Bacta War, Star Wars: The Essential Chronology, The Krytos Trap, Mara Jade: By The Emperor''s Hand, Rogue Squadron, Tales From the New Republic, Wedge's Gamble, X-Wing: Rogue Squadron