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Sora Bulq
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"Fear is the path to the dark side,"- Yoda


Actor: Unknown
Species: Weequay
Sex: Male
Weapon of Choice: Duel Lightsabers (Blue Blades)
Occupation: Jedi
Approximate Height: 5 ft. 6 in.
Homeworld: Sriluur
Sora Bulq was one of the most talented saber duelists of the Old Republic. He was part of a task force of 200 sent to free Obi Wan Kenobi, Padmé Naberrie Amidala, and Anakin Skywalker from execution. The rescue attempt blossomed into the Battle of Geonosis. Some of the greatest Jedi died in the battle, including his apprentice, Galdos Stouff. Disheartened, when he was asked to serve as a general in the Republic Army during the Clone Wars, he declined and left the order. He summoned many other Jedi who left the order to his family estate on the moon of Ruul. He extended the invitation to Mace Windu, when Asaji Ventress attacked. She claimed to be an ally of Windu, adding further distrust between the Jedi. However, Windu discovered the truth- Sora was really her accomplice. Mace Windu went to Ruul to confront the Weequay. How ever, their duel was cut short as Windu wished to meet the mysterious Asaji Ventress. He knocked Sora unconcious and went to meet her.

Appears in: Attack of the Clones, The Clone Wars